CMPC achieves a new recognition as a global sustainability leader
08 de February, 2021
CMPC continues to be acknowledged for its sustainability leadership. For the first time, the company is included in the 2021 Sustainability Yearbook of SAM, part of S&P Global, which manages the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Corporate Sustainability Assessment (DJSI-CSA).
More than 7K companies around the world, from 61 industries, were assessed by the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) for their inclusion in this annual report. The Yearbook´s new edition was released on February 8th, 2021.
CMPC achieved this distinction after reaching the second place as the most sustainable company in the Paper and Forestry Products sector, according to the DJSI 2020. For the 2021 Sustainability Yearbook, it ranks third among its industry members.
CMPC Corporate Sustainability Officer, Nicolas Gordon said, “this new accomplishment confirms our deep commitment to sustainability, which grows more important every day and is a key focus of our corporate strategy.”
In order to appear in the Yearbook, a company has to be in the top 15% of its industry and the top 30% of all the companies with the best sustainability performance in its sector. Empresas CMPC obtained a score of 67, which resulted in the third place of its industry.
The Global Director of ESG Research, S&P Global, Manjit Jus said, “We congratulate CMPC for achieving a place in The Sustainability Yearbook 2021. With over 7,000 companies assessed, an inclusion in the yearbook is a true statement of corporate sustainability excellence.”