CMPC donates computers to students of Puente Alto so they can continue studying for the admission to higher education
13 de July, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic not only changed the way in which society related, worked, mobilized, bought, among other customs, but also changed how young people prepared for the Transition Test (PTU for its Spanish initials) that replaced the University Selection Test (PSU).
This new way of studying is being applied by the students of the EFIES program (Spanish initials for Training School for the Admission to Higher Education) that has being benefiting for the second consecutive year students of junior and senior year of the commune of Puente Alto, Metropolitan region in Chile, that are neighbors of the commune or children of CMPC´s workers, and that is a project of the Company and Formando Chile.
From being accustomed to face-to-face classes held at the CMPC Biopackaging-Corrugados plant, students had to adapt to continue their studies in a virtual way to comply with social distancing and quarantines. However, during the first semester some young people decreased their participation or simply suspended it because they did not have any technological equipment that would allow them to follow classes in their entirety or adequately.
Confident that young people are the future of the commune and the country, and that the coronavirus crisis should not interfere in achieving the dream of entering higher education, CMPC donated twelve computers to EFIES students this Tuesday, July 7, so that they can continue preparing for the PTU and eventually be able to complement their studies once they have entered the university, professional institute or technical training.
The computers were delivered in person by the CMPC´c Public Affairs Deputy, Francisco Torrealba, and by Carolina Araya, Human Resources Manager of Corrugados-CMPC Biopackaging, in each student’s house.
The executive director of Formando Chile, Pablo Hormazábal, thanked the gesture of CMPC. “Given this pandemic, a group of students could not connect because they did not have the device to do so, such as a computer or a tablet. Thanks to the contribution of CMPC we are going to deliver 12 computers to those students, which will allow them to connect to the school classes and also to the Formando Chile program. We are very happy, and we just appreciate this extra contribution from CMPC”.
Amelie Saavedra, one of the 12 EFIES students who were benefited, shared her computer with three brothers and says that because of that she was sometimes unable to participate in classes or study. “It was a great surprise that CMPC gave me a computer. Now I will be able to study without problems”.
Francisco Torrealba assures that “CMPC has been present in Puente Alto for 100 years. We have seen several generations emerge, the commune grow and develop, which guarantees that with commitment and joint work with the community, great things can be achieved. That is why today we continue with the commitment to support young students, who are the future of the commune and the country, giving them a tool that allows them to continue their dream of entering higher education and that is not frustrated by the conditions granted by the new reality due to the contingency ”.
EFIES in Puente Alto
EFIES is a program that seeks to provide academic (Math and Language classes) and socio-emotional tools (through vocational workshops, self-knowledge and information on scholarships and credits) so that young people can increase their possibilities of access to university, technical training or professional institutes.
The initiative is being carried out for the second consecutive year in Puente Alto thanks to an alliance between Formando Chile and CMPC. This year the program started on February 29 and has more than one hundred students.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the face-to-face classes were replaced by virtual classes, in which all the language, math and workshop material is sent on Tuesdays so the students can work on them until Friday. On Saturday, teachers hold feedback sessions to answer questions, comment on responses and activities developed by students, working together through various platforms.