CMPC has fought nearly 130 wildfires so far in February
13 de February, 2023
This week the 1,200 firefighters made available by the forestry company have fought 38 fires in different parts of Chile in the Maule, Ñuble, Biobío, La Araucanía and Los Ríos Regions.
The CMPC fire brigades continue working to try to control and extinguish several forest fires that have affected south-central Chile in recent weeks. Crews worked on 38 fires this week alone. This brings the total to 721 fires fought by the company’s specialized teams so far this season.
Moreover, between February 1 and 10, they have worked to put out 128 fires in different districts of Chile. These include Sagrada Familia, San Javier, Yerbas Buenas, Licantén, Pencahue and Cauquenes in the Maule Region, in the Ñuble Yungay, Ranquil and Pemuco. The ones further south in Biobío include Cabrero, Laja, Los Ángeles, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Yumbel, Contulmo, Hualqui, Mulchén, Quilleco and Santa Bárbara; Angol, Collipulli, Ercilla, Freire, Lautaro, Los Sauces, Lumaco, Nueva Imperial, Purén, Temuco, Teodoro Schmidt, Toltén, Traiguén and Victoria in La Araucanía and, finally, in Mariquina of the Los Ríos Region.
“As CMPC, our commitment is absolute, in terms of preventing and fighting fires anywhere that needs it. We have made all our logistical, material and fire brigade resources available to reduce the number of fires and control the ongoing critical situation in south-central Chile. An essential call has also been issued for prevention and self-care to prevent situations that can cause fires. Almost all of them have been caused by human action, so extreme prevention measures are required,” said Ignacio Lira, CMPC Corporate Affairs Manager for Forests.
According to Conaf figures, more than 4,400 fires have been recorded this season, which have affected an area almost 500 times greater than that of the same period last year. In addition to the work of preventing and putting out fires, the company has provided assistance to the thousands of families affected by the emergency. It initially donated more than 100,000 basic hygiene products to residents of Biobío and La Araucanía. After that it contributed 500 million pesos to the Desafío Levantemos el Sur, of Desafío Levantemos Chile, which will translate into a variety of aid offered to the people affected by the fires.