CMPC stands out for the second consecutive year in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index
13 de September, 2016
The result showed an improvement for CMPC over last year. This study performed worldwide and which has its Chilean chapter, highlighted the top 21 domestic companies that meet the sustainability criteria better than their industry peers.
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index ™ Chile, named Chile DJSI Chile index, is the first of its kind using the methodology of calculating Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, and the first to use the IPSA as a base. Furthermore, this is a recurring measurement in the United States and Europe to all companies operating on the stock market.
“We are very pleased because this is an objective recognition, measurable of how we are working on sustainability. This also puts us a significant share of responsibility for the future to continue doing things well and with excellence, “said Hernán Rodríguez CMPC’s General Manager.
The key factor in how the companies are chose – used for any sustainability S&P index – is given by the TTS score (Total Score Sustainability), calculated using the annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment RobecoSAM.