CMPC’s General Manager Visits Area of Fires to Support Firefighting Teams and Deliver Donations to the Community
07 de February, 2023
The executive also flew over Nacimiento with the mayor and visited the municipality’s command center to support coordination efforts.
CMPC’s General Manager Francisco Ruiz-Tagle has had an intense itinerary amid the fires affecting sectors in the regions of Ñuble, Biobío, La Araucanía and Los Ríos since last week.
In order to expedite help and coordination efforts, learn about the extent of the catastrophe in the field, speak with CMPC’s teams in charge of extinguishing the fires and meet with authorities, Ruiz Tagle headed to Los Ángeles on Monday to supervise the delivery of donations that CMPC distributed to various sectors to help neighbors affected by the tragedy, mainly with essential items, personal hygiene and cleaning items.
Then he went to the city’s Fire Central, where he spoke with the radio operators who serve as logistical support for the ground and air firefighting operations, receiving and providing vital information for airplanes and brigades deployed at various fire sources.
At around noon yesterday, the executive traveled to Nacimiento, where he visited the command center from where support for the brigades is dispatched and all the actions to address the tragedy are coordinated.
Subsequently, together with the mayor of Nacimiento, Carlos Toloza, and the Ministerial Regional Secretary of Agriculture, Pamela Yáñez, he flew over various sectors of the municipality to learn about the status of the fires and the deployment of brigade members, helicopters and planes at the site, and get a clearer view of the situation.
Francisco Ruiz Tagle added that the situation of resources for dealing with the tragedy is critical and all the teams are at their limit. “Brigade members are experiencing a very high level of accumulated fatigue and, in this regard, it is very important to reduce fire occurrence, maximize fire occurrence measures, not burn trash, not do agricultural burning, not use machinery that may generate sources of heat, not make campfires, etc. But something even more important, which is a call for the authorities, is to stop intentional fires from happening.”
Today, Ruiz-Tagle headed to Santa Juana, a municipality greatly affected by the fires. Afterwards, he will return to Nacimiento to continue visiting the affected areas and gather the needs of neighbors, authorities and firefighting teams onsite.