Guaíba Plant supports the communities affected by floods in Southern Brazil
08 de November, 2023
Reinforcing CMPC’s commitment to social responsibility and solidarity, the Brazilian pulp plant provided assistance to several communities affected by the heavy rains that occurred in southern Brazil in the month of September.
After the heavy and intense rains that occurred in the southern region of Brazil last September, the Guaíba Plant carried out a series of actions to help the affected neighboring communities, such as in the Taquari Valley, Guaíba, Barra do Ribeiro, Butiá, Rio Grande, Encruzilhada do Sul, Pinheiro Machado, Arroio dos Ratos, Tapes and Cristal.
Among the actions taken, the highlights include the donation of food baskets, cleaning and construction materials, the cleaning of the banks of Alvorada and Alegria shores in Guaíba, support with a non-potable water tanker to assist in the cleaning of streets, hospitals, and schools in the Taquari Valley, among others.
Additionally, the Guaíba Plant organized a solidarity event during the celebration of Children’s Day, where admission consisted of donating 1 kg of non-perishable food or 1 cleaning product for the benefit of flood victims, resulting in nearly half a ton of food delivered to the Guaíba Food Bank.
Internally, a solidarity campaign was conducted to collect clothes and cleaning products among CMPC employees, as well as donations directed to the Castelo Branco Ramada, Fátima, and Colina Community Association, to assist the residents of the Ipê locality, which were the Guaíba communities most affected by the heavy rains.
According to Daniel Andriotti, Institutional Relations Consultant at the Guaíba Plant, these charitable actions highlight CMPC’s commitment to our neighbors and the entire environment in which we operate. “We offer assistance to communities affected by floods because we believe in social responsibility and solidarity as fundamental values for a fairer and better world”.