Having good teachers, is having a better education
28 de September, 2018
Children who learn to read faster, schools that stand out for good results in national evaluations, better environment in classrooms, are just some of the benefits that can be appreciated thanks to efficient teaching systems, tested at international level and seeking to improve the learning abilities of the students.
That is why CMPC Foundation, through the “Capacitación Docente y Directiva” program, imparts consultancies, training and evaluations to teachers, educators, principals, supporters and parents, for improving the teaching skills at a classroom, school and community level, in order to have better results in the learning process at Language and Math in students from pre-kindergarten to 6th grade.
Within the pedagogical tools provided by the organization, the deeping of knowledge instances and the application workshops stand out, which are working sessions by level or school, aimed to review pedagogical material and practical application of techniques or programs.
In 2017, experts from the CMPC Foundation gave 6,617 hours of training and consultancies in 11 Chilean municipalities that benefited 36 educational establishments.