New hospital in Guaiba, Brazil, opens its doors to the community with the support of CMPC
24 de July, 2020
Under CMPC’s commitment to the community, especially in the context of the Coronavirus health crisis, the company, through its subsidiary CMPC Brazil, made a contribution so that the city of Guaiba has a new hospital, the Berço Farroupilha. This health center opened its doors to the community on July 23 and will be the first in the city to be administrated 100% by the Unified Health System (SUS for its initials in Portuguese).
Thanks to the new medical center, the city will go from having only 45 health professionals to more than 120, including doctors, nurses, nursing technicians, physical therapists and speech therapists.
The hospital has 40 beds. In the initial stage 10 will be exclusively used for patients with Covid-19 in intensive care (ICU) and the other 30 will be destined for the rest of the cases. After the pandemic, the new facility will function as a surgical and maternity center, carrying out deliveries and general surgeries that will benefit the population.
Before, the gaucha city only had the Pronto Atendimento (PA), a medical facility where only observations were made and whose patients who needed to be hospitalized were transferred to Porto Alegre.
“In the ten years that we have been in Guaiba, we have built many important initiatives together with the community. At this time of challenges in the health field, when solidarity actions become even more necessary, there is nothing more genuine than joining forces with public authorities to expand assistance to the population, especially with the offer of more medical beds”, said Mauricio Harger, CEO of CMPC Brazil.