Owner of Cabañas Alto los Corrales: “In my service I make them see that if I take care of myself, I am taking care of them”
19 de October, 2020
Staying and sleeping surrounded by Monkey Puzzles trees and an imposing rural landscape are the main attributes offered by the Cabañas Alto Los Corrales complex, located two kilometers from the Nahuelbuta National Park, in the Angol commune, La Araucanía region, in southern Chile, which has the best options for those who need to connect with nature.
This venture consists of two cabins and wooden jacuzzis that, together with the welcoming attention of its owner and manager, Cecilia Lagos, can make a difference in a few well-deserved days of rest. Lagos has carried out this family project together with the support of her husband and three children.
“My parents were related to the rural and peasant sector all their lives, and my dream always was to have a little piece of land. So as a family we saved many years to do this venture and for the education of my children when they go university”, she assures.
The distribution of responsibilities is quite clear for the operation of this business: the children are in charge of all the advertising, management of social networks, among other digital tasks. For her part, Cecilia and her husband dedicate their time to maintaining the place and taking care of their guests.
This accommodation has grown little by little. It started with just one cabin and now they are finishing the construction of a second one that “that will be as beautiful and rustic the other, just as the visitors like and that is why they also return”, highlights Lagos as the main attribute of their cabins.
Although the best season to receive tourists is from November to March, Cabañas Alto Los Corrales had not received guests until August because of the pandemic.
Therefore, and taking this scenario into account, CMPC assumed this commitment with the Arriba Todos Juntos initiative, which since that month supports small and medium-sized businesses, entrepreneurs and agents of the tourism sector in 14 communes of the Biobío and La Araucanía regions, with health security plans and protocols that allow economic reactivation in a safe and reliable manner.
The first stage of this initiative, called “Preparing to Go Out”, delivered 15 hygiene kits in the Angol commune, consisting of liquid soap and alcohol gel with their respective dispensers, masks, tissues, baby wipes, wet mops and disposable cloths, for entrepreneurs and tenants.
To date, Cabañas Alto los Corrales is operating only on weekends, with visitors from Angol and receives up to five people, who must comply with all the health protocols that were also instructed through the Arriba Todos Juntos program to several entrepreneurs in the tourism sector .
“So far it has worked for me to continue working. In my service I make them see that if I take care of myself, I am taking care of them, and vice versa. So together we must take care of ourselves and they value that so much”, says Lagos. “We are happy for the CMPC donation, because as a result of not having had movement for so long, the resources were spent. I buy products in small quantities, but having a larger quantity now gives me the security of giving a hygienic and sanitized service to all those who want to stay”.