Parents and tutors committed to education
28 de September, 2018
Convinced that social and language development in early childhood – from 0 to 6 years old – is very important due to the achievements a child will have in the future, CMPC Foundation seeks to promote it through the strengthening of effective practices of early stimulation in educational centers and in families belonging to neighboring communities in Chile.
Through workshops for parents or tutors; interactive workshops with the parents and their children; improvement sessions for educators and technicians; consultancies to directive teams and educators; psycho-educational recreational afternoons for the school community and promotional talks given by professionals from CMPC Foundation, the organization aims to provide tools for the improvement of early childhood development.
However, one of the main pillars of the program is the parents or tutors, who through training learn to be guides and the first educators in the development of their kids.
An example of who has been part of the “Criando y Creciendo” workshops given by CMPC Foundation is Priscila Cabrera, mother of two attendants of the nursery El Roto Chileno, located in Talagante, Metropolitan region in Chile, which is supported by the organization. She has learned “to use what is in the house” to stimulate her children. (Watch the video below to get to know her story)
In 2017, the program was developed in four municipalities in three regions of Chile and benefited 20 gardens and nurseries, and 1,128 students.