President of Empresas CMPC: “We look to the future with a sense of optimism”
02 de May, 2021
In a remote event, CMPC held the Annual General Meeting in which the attendees approved the financial report for December 2020, looked over legal responsibilities such as the external audit report and the shareholder dividends among other points of discussion.
In this instance, the President of the company, Mr. Luis Felipe Gazitúa, reviewed the many varying initiatives led by the company over the course of the year 2020, making special emphasis on the forestry industry and all related products and their relevance in the public’s normal activities in the midst of a pandemic.
In the context of the health and economic crisis, the Chairman of the Board indicated that CMPC has opted to project corporate business for 2021 under more cautious criteria: “prioritizing the safety of our collaborators, both direct and indirect, for fundamental operational continuance. However, this does not prevent us from looking ahead with a sense of optimism, or from doing our utmost to make all changes permanent, and preserve all the achievements made in this most exceptional of times, in addition to visualizing and facing with enthusiasm all the transformations needed for the future”.
In regards to the commercial section of the business, the Chairman maintained that the company registered record levels of production at the Laja and Guaiba pulp plants, as well as the Cardboard plant in Maule. Concurrent to the previous, SOFTYS and Biopackaging managed to surpass previous operational performance by 38% and 60% respectively compared to the previous year.
In all the main projects undertaken in 2020, Gazitúa highlighted the launch of the new SOFTYS Tissue production line in Zarate, Argentina; and the acquisition of the paper bag manufacturer Samcarsa in Irapuato, Mexico. He also mentioned the start of operations at the new corporate representative office in Shanghai – a new addition to existing offices in Atlanta and Hamburg – and the development of a new growth plan for forest biomass in Brazil.