Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes and CMPC sign agreement to facilitate inclusion process for migrants
30 de May, 2022
“For a more inclusive Chile” (“Por un Chile más inclusivo”) is the name of the program to be developed by both organizations, which will allow different initiatives to be carried out at the Til Til plant of the paper mill to promote the social insertion of migrants in its facilities.
This Wednesday, Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes foundation (SJM, for its acronym in Spanish) and CMPC signed an agreement that seeks to facilitate the inclusion process of migrants working in the company. CMPC is currently present in 11 countries around the world and the exchange of knowledge, experiences and talents is essential for its growth and development.
In total, more than 400 CMPC employees are migrants and more are joining every year. For this reason, the company emphasized that a fundamental part of its culture is focused on the value of respect and care for people, regardless of nationality, origin or religion, based on its Diversity and Inclusion Policy. Therefore, they explain that promoting spaces for communication, meeting and exchange among all those who make up CMPC is an essential part of the company.
The national director of Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes, Waleska Ureta, emphasized the joint work that must be carried out among all players in society to promote inclusion, highlighting this initiative carried out together with CMPC. “As Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes we are very excited about this partnership, not only because we are convinced that, as a network, together, we are stronger to push for the changes required to address the rights of migrants, but also because it is a great hope for them. After all, their future and their entire lives are at stake as we make progress in their inclusion,” she said.
Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes (SJM) promotes and protects the dignity and rights of migrants and refugees in Chile, supporting their social inclusion process through a multidimensional work model and influencing society to recognize the richness of human diversity.
The SJM chaplain, Cristián del Campo, described this partnership as great news, which will allow those who work at the paper plant to learn about other realities. “What is being officially launched today at this plant is tremendous news. This will be a place where meeting and getting to know each other will be privileged, and where we can get rid of prejudices when we can meet face to face and get to know each other’s stories. I believe that this plant and this program can be very significant for the rest of the companies that have a leadership role, as CMPC has,” he said.
Luis Felipe Gazitúa, chairman of CMPC, emphasized the importance of knowledge sharing in the company’s growth. “Multiculturalism is enriching. It broadens horizons and the way we think, encourages innovation and creativity in people and generates greater synergies between teams. Incorporating people with different cultures, traditions and outlooks makes us who we are, a global company, inserted in a world that is diverse and without frontiers. We work every day so that there is greater respect, integration and tolerance of and among people. Because diversity is part of our development.”
The program “For a more inclusive Chile” to be developed by both organizations includes a series of initiatives within CMPC’s Til Til plant to promote the social insertion of migrants. This includes a training cycle for the teams, activities at the paper plant, and the delivery of educational and awareness-raising material on interculturality to CMPC, among others.