Sports at the end of the world: CMPC Rural Football Cup has a new champion

The Pampas Grandes team took the cup in the championship that brought together various teams and their families from the Los Lagos Region of southern Chile.

The Osorno volcano, one of the most significant in the southern part of the planet, bore witness to the incredible days that were fought on the field of the former Rupanco hacienda. The natural grass field sports facility located in the district of Puerto Octay in the Los Lagos Region of southern Chile hosted 11 teams that are part of the rural football association. They met during the mid winter to face off to make it through to the finals of the CMPC Rural Football Cup.  

The ball was kicked about over the course of several Sundays during the winter championship, which left four rural football clubs standing as finalists. Ultimately Pampas Grandes won first place and took the championship spot in the CMPC Cup. Novato took second place and Inter Nochaco took third, with Lago Rupanco coming in fourth place.

After the award ceremony, Deputy Mayor Gloria Valderas praised the sports event supported by the company. “I think this championship is fantastic, since sports not only contributes to people’s physical and mental health, but it is also a place to gather with the family. The support offered by private enterprise is something that I call articulation of networks and associativity that must take place in the communities. It’s very important that these harmonious ties are generated.”

Macarena Guzmán, president of Rural Association of the Puerto Octay district expressed her satisfaction with how this rural soccer tournament concluded. “This opening championship was finalized with the Pampas Grandes team taking the winning position. We thank the company that supported this championship, which had excellent participation.”

Claudio Colipan, head of CMPC Community Relations stressed the importance of sports. “A lot of sports are also practiced in the rural world and football is one of the disciplines that brings together not only players, but families, too. Through the CMPC Cup there was a real celebration of football that was played with great joy and enthusiasm in this winter championship. It proved that despite the cold and rain in the south, outdoor activities do not stop.” 

Pampas Grandes celebrates big

After the victory of the Pampas Grandes men’s team, the president of the Rupanco sports club, Luis Mancilla offered thanks for the forestry company’s support, highlighting the work of the teams in the winter championship. “We are very happy with this championship and hopefully they will continue to be there for us in everything going forward. Sports are important here in the rural area because it unites us as families, as we root for our teams every Sunday.” 

Armín Gallardo, captain of the Pampas Grandes team, expressed his joy after the victory. “We are very proud and would like to thanks all our players and the association that has supported us. It’s nice what the company does to help build up local sports.” 

The following clubs also participated in the CMPC Rural Football Cup tournament: Colo Colo, Andino, Tricolor, Islote, Nuevo Oriente, Picada and Balmaceda.