We aim to have an in-depth understanding of our people and the communities around us. We strive to be inclusive and diverse and to promote a good working environment and development. For our contractors and suppliers, we want to create networks and learn together; for customers and consumers, we aspire to constantly deliver and innovate with the best solutions for daily life. In addition, with our communities, we practice mutual respect and respect for the environment we cohabit through transparent and timely communication and actions that generate shared value.

We aim to have an in-depth understanding of our people and the communities around us. We strive to be inclusive and diverse and to promote a good working environment and development. For our contractors and suppliers, we want to create networks and learn together; for customers and consumers, we aspire to constantly deliver and innovate with the best solutions for daily life. In addition, with our communities, we practice mutual respect and respect for the environment we cohabit through transparent and timely communication and actions that generate shared value.


People are at the core and strategic axis of our business; the strategy is to attract, develop and retain talent to consolidate CMPC as a great place to work, ensuring health and safety as a fundamental pillar.


Suppliers and service companies are essential to the Company because of their value-generating capacity and ability to contribute to the local development of communities. In this line, we are interested in working with all the people that each territory can add.


We want our seal to be local development and the creation of shared value. We strive to identify, listen and understand neighboring communities in the best way possible, to build ties, to bring positions closer, and to bet on increasingly successful collaborative agreements.


Since 2021 CMPC has had a company-wide Human Rights Policy for all of its businesses and subsidiaries. It establishes foundational definitions, areas of application and specific mechanisms that help identify, manage and remedy the violation of human rights (HR) under a preventive approach.

Human Rights Due Diligence

In 2023 CMPC hired an expert consultancy firm to identify the main focuses of attention regarding human rights risks, defining an action plan and its governance for the implementation of the due diligence process. After reviewing good practices on human rights at corporate level, the scope of the evaluation was defined, which will be for forestry operations in Chile. The human rights-related topics included in the evaluation were also defined, such as health and safety, working conditions, discrimination and indigenous rights, among others. This process seeks to identify these risks for different groups, including the Company’s own workers, contractors and people belonging to indigenous groups.

Since 2021 CMPC has had a company-wide Human Rights Policy for all of its businesses and subsidiaries. It establishes foundational definitions, areas of application and specific mechanisms that help identify, manage and remedy the violation of human rights (HR) under a preventive approach.

Human Rights Due Diligence

In 2023 CMPC hired an expert consultancy firm to identify the main focuses of attention regarding human rights risks, defining an action plan and its governance for the implementation of the due diligence process. After reviewing good practices on human rights at corporate level, the scope of the evaluation was defined, which will be for forestry operations in Chile. The human rights-related topics included in the evaluation were also defined, such as health and safety, working conditions, discrimination and indigenous rights, among others. This process seeks to identify these risks for different groups, including the Company’s own workers, contractors and people belonging to indigenous groups.