The number of command posts for CMPC’s Meteorological Emergency Command increases to four
12 de June, 2024
Another station was added in Villa Mininco in Collipulli. Aid is being provided due to the rain emergency in 14 districts in southern Chile; 11 in the Biobío Region, 1 in Ñuble and 2 in La Araucanía. A team of 136 people from the company is participating in the effort.
Very complex scenarios as a result of the incessant rains have been unfolding over the past several hours in several districts in three of Chile’s regions, namely Ñuble, Biobío and La Araucanía. As reported by CMPC yesterday regarding its deployment to assist the affected families, the decision was made last night to add one more command post to those already announced by the company. Villa Mininco in Collipulli is the latest one, in addition to those located in Laja (the sports center), Nacimiento (Toqui Lautaro School) and Los Ángeles (military regiment). The aid work now covers the districts of Mulchén, Nacimiento, Santa Juana, Hualqui, Los Ángeles, Yumbel, Laja, San Rosendo, Negrete, Santa Bárbara, Cañete (Biobío region), Yungay (Ñuble region), Villa Mininco and Purén (La Araucanía region), with one more district that can count on the company’s support in emergency tasks (Collipulli itself).
In particular, a very complex situation took place during the early hours of the morning in the urban area of Los Angeles, with the overflowing of the Quilque estuary. The Biobío Provincial Presidential Delegation, the municipality of Los Ángeles and the Army deployed their work teams to contain the effects of this overflow, which affected some twenty families in the area. Two multipurpose brigades from CMPC joined in this endeavor, working throughout the early morning hours.
“We have already identified the level of damage in the Vega sector. We checked the commercial premises that were affected and Army personnel are putting sandbags in the places where the water has yet to reach. We call on people to stay in their homes, go out only if necessary, and limit the flow of traffic”, said Paulina Purrán, presidential delegate for the Province of Biobío.
136 people deployed
A total of 136 people from CMPC have participated in the relief work in coordination with municipal, provincial and regional authorities. CMPC has delivered supplies such as coal and sacks, cleared roads, deployed machinery such as backhoes and dump trucks, removed debris and fallen trees, delivered water and food for rescuers, firefighters and emergency personnel, cleaned sewers and supplied drinking water, among other activities.
In the last few hours, 23 CMPC crews and 17 pieces of machinery have been deployed to deal with this situation in three regions of the country. “We have gained a lot of knowledge as a result of the urgent situations that arose from the forest fires we have had to deal with, which helps us effectively contribute to the current meteorological emergency. Through our command centers, we are collaborating with the municipality and the authorities in everything that is