Using the ash
05 de April, 2019
During 2018, CMPC focused on the design of a Zero Waste Plan to reduce the quantity of waste and attain waste management independence. In order to achieve this goal, projects have been designed that reduce the generation of environmental debt and seek alternative uses and/or reprocessing, aiming always at a Circular Economy Strategy.
Therefore, CMPC has been carrying out joint studies with the University of Concepcion in Chile since 2010 to use slaked lime sludge and effluents, dregs and grits and biomass ash. All are solid waste from the pulp manufacturing process that until now has had no productive use.
In 2013, most of the solid waste from the pulp manufacturing process was classified as sub-products that presently possess the necessary environmental permits for other uses: e.g. in forest plantations, sales to third parties, incineration in biomass boilers, and internal disposal.
Therefore, the studies that began in 2010 were transformed into innovative projects for the use of solid waste to improve soil quality on forest plantations and agricultural land.