Victims of recent storms received various donations from CMPC in the regions of Maule, Ñuble and Biobío
04 de September, 2023
In coordination with local authorities and social organizations, the company has continued with the delivery of aid consisting of charcoal, hygiene products, and food for the victims of the mid-August rainstorms. In parallel, CMPC has made machinery available to clear roads and ditches.
Mid-month in August brought some very challenging times to south-central Chile due to the intensity of the frontal system, similar to what happened in June. According to figures from the country’s National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred), as a result of the stormfront, which began on August 18 and lasted for five days, 3 people died and a total of 57,327 victims were registered between the Regions of Valparaíso to Biobío.
Faced with this complex situation, CMPC reacted quickly to mobilize its teams in the Maule, Ñuble and Biobío Regions to help address the contingency and coordinate all the necessary aid. Thus, in the Ñuble region, the company delivered 100 sacks of charcoal in Chillán and 50 sacks of charcoal in San Nicolás.
“There are structural issues, which have to do with roads or hydraulic improvements – and that we’ll have to analyze later with the government – but right now we’re interested in giving a clear signal to the communities experiencing hard times. Companies like CMPC that take leadership in these areas are making a significant contribution, as it demonstrates their commitment and bond with the community. In that sense, this support is very appreciated,” said Camilo Benavente, Chillán Mayor.
“CMPC has always been there for the communities in the territories where they carry out company activities. People are quite happy with and motivated by the contribution of the company, since it helps them dry out their soaked homes. This is important given that many people here were affected by the overflowing river,” said Omar Espinoza, CMPC Territory Relations Manager in Ñuble.
One of the victims highlighted the contribution received, “We are grateful as neighbors, since every contribution helps out, and this is very special, since everything is still wet from the flooding. We’re really grateful for the concern.”
Additionally, in the same region, machinery was made available to the local authorities of Yungay, San Ignacio and Coihueco for removing material and clearing the many areas affected by the surging rivers.
In the Biobío Region, the aid materialized in the provision of 100 household hygiene kits and 100 kilograms of powdered milk in Los Angeles, specifically, to the Provincial Presidential Delegation of Biobío. In this specific case, the delegation itself was responsible for distributing the donation to families affected by the frontal system in Quilaco, Quilleco, Antuco, Santa Bárbara, Alto Biobío and part of Los Angeles.
“CMPC has become an ally. From the moment we asked for cooperation they were aware, made arrangements and let us know that their contribution was ready. We’re very happy for the help that will be welcomed by all affected families,” said Felipe Silva, a social worker with the Provincial Delegation of Biobío.
In the Maule region, the local CMPC Territory Relations Department, as of Wednesday, August 30, sent its contribution to those affected in the community of Licantén, who suffered serious damage caused mainly by the flooding of the Mataquito River. The contributions consisted of making available a cistern truck, a multipurpose brigade for different tasks and a backhoe in an effort that will last for two weeks.